Phunky Threads was born out of a love for Phish
Although I found Phish a little later than most (in my mid 20’s), they have been a constant for me. In the early 2000’s I began screen printing a few Phish shirts and selling them on eBay, long before social media. It was a great way to get my shirts out there, but soon we had our first child and the t-shirt business took a backseat.
Jump ahead to 2014 and my son, who had turned 7 quickly “read the book” and was hooked. I was taking him to Pine Knob for his first show and he asked if I would make him a shirt for the show. So i went back to my design table and created the Minecraft Harry Hood shirt and he wore it to the show. After posting the photo on Facebook people asked, “Where can I get that shirt?”… and Phunky Threads was born.
Phunky Threads is real “phamily” business. My kids have seen dozens of shows with me and my wife. We are real phans with a real love for Phish.
We hope to see you on tour!